Thursday, December 29, 2011

It Was a Bacon Christmas!

So by the looks of some of the gifts Chris and I received for Christmas, our family members caught on the fact that we like bacon. Bravo to them and their superb observations! 

Above is a pic of all the awesome bacony stuff we unwrapped Christmas morning.  My sister got me a bacon cookbook which has over 150 bacon recipes and also talks about different kinds of bacon from all around the world. I had no idea there were so many varieties...I must start sampling!  She also whipped up some bacon truffles.  One word...yummo!  Chris got bacon flavored toothpicks from my mom and I got Chris Vosges dark chocolate bacon bars and flying chocolate pigs. That gift may have been a little self serving but sometimes that happens.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and got to spend lots of awesome time with family and hopefully ate way too much.  I know I did!

Now have a safe and Happy New Years!

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